Following is a list of commonly used codes that can be used with PhoSim. Some codes create PhoSim input, other codes analyze PhoSim output, and other codes can use PhoSim in an analysis loop. To add your code to this list, please reach out using the contact information.
Codes to Make PhoSim Input
Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) Libraries
There are a variety of SEDs that have been converted into PhoSim capable format. These SEDs can be used with the simulator. We have adapted these from the libraries at the Spanish Virtual Observatory and the Space Telescope Institute.
Input Image Conversion Codes
PhoSim can take input images instead of the synthetic models of stars and galaxies. The input image can cover a whole field or represent an individual object such as a galaxy. A script called tools/ can convert an image from another telescope to the input format and be used to simulate a current telescope. This can be done by hand, but the script will get the image size, rotation, and normalization correct. See PhoSim Tutorial 22. Example FITS files are available through the FITS examples page.
The input image codes can be used to generate data for the REFITT project. A tool to inject artificial Supernovae on top of an existing image and then combine both of them into PhoSim formats is tools/
Catalog Generator Codes
Galacticus is a semi-analytic galaxy property code. It can be converted into PhoSim catalog format.
Optics Design Codes
The ZEMAX optical design code is commonly used to design telescopes and optical systems. There is a script, tools/, in the PhoSim package that converts Zemax formatted design files into the PhoSim optical format. This generally is well tested for all simple optical systems.
Codes to Use PhoSim Output
FITS Tools
By default, PhoSim generates flexible image (FITS) files for all kinds of output images. The most common image viewer is DS9 that is able to display all kinds of PhoSim-produced images. There are a variety of image manipulation capabilities that can be done with any PhoSim image. Also, if you have DS9 installed on your computer, putting --ds9 on the PhoSim command line will cause the electron image to be displayed automatically when the simulation is completed.
Another common FITS tool is the FITS Liberator
Analysis Codes
Astropy is a large library of useful astronomy routines written in python.
IDL Astro Library is a large library of useful astronomy routines written in IDL.
AstrOmatic is a large library of image processing codes.
ASCL is a large listing of astronomy codes.
Embedding PhoSim in a Simulation/Analysis Loop
Mask R-CNN is a deep learning / AI approach to source finding, detection, de-blending, and classification