Release Notes for v3.7.16
Improves performance for multi-threaded applications (AP)
Release Notes for v3.7.15
Bug in dust calculation setup (SD/JRP)
Release Notes for v3.7.10-v3.7.14
Fix for rare multithreading error of random numbers which improves multithreading performance (AP/JRP)
Release Notes for v3.7.9
Pre/Over Scans fixed for LSST ITL devices (JRP/JC/KSK)
Release Notes for v3.7.7-v3.7.8
Additional fixes for optimization of bright extended sources (JRP/GS)
Release Notes for v3.7.4-v3.7.6
Fixes for rare compiler issue affecting bright star optimization (JRP/GS)
Release Notes for v3.7.3
Fix of bug in optimization of photons off edge for bright extended sources (JRP)
Release Notes for v3.7.2
Fix of a bug in the new source ID as a string feature that caused sources to disappear (JRP)
Release Notes for v3.7.1
Rounded corners in trimming for bright star ghosts (JRP)
Removed rare bug for false ghost for double mirror (JRP)
Release Notes for v3.7
More accurate accumulated charge e-field (JRP)
Various architectural & software standard improvements (GS, EP, JRP)
Physical separation of lunar scattered components (JRP)
ComCam implementation (EP)
Additional oxide layer for fringing (JRP)
Allowing >2 bounces inside sensor (JRP)
Deltara & Deltadec parameters in degrees (JRP)
Cloud structure simplification (JRP)
Corrected focal plane layout according to drawing (JRP & BX)
Made all perturbation commands as additive allowing both pre-defined & custom perturbations (JRP)
Time correlation of clouds, turbulence, opacity in independent phosim runs (JRP)
Corrected extra commands to the readout modules (JRP)
Enabled multi-threading for OPD calculations (JRP)
Additional validation of sky background (JRP)
Added eye ISC (CB)
Added MCT detector physics (CB)
Additional capability for near diffraction-limited calculations (CB)
Additional capability for tilted-foresight telescopes (CB)
Better zodiacal SED in IR (CB)
Pupil screen capability (CB)
JWST NirCam ISC files (CB)
Cluster Submit script (GS)
Updates to speed test validations related to multithreading (JRP)
Various fixes related to rare bright star optimization bugs (EP/JRP)
Fixes for WCS keywords (JRP)
Source ID changed to string (SK/JRP)
Cleanup and more examples related to cleaner interfaces (JRP)
Expansion of 1C validation (PSF properties) (JRP)
Numerous efficiency improvements to multithreading (JRP/GS)