Release Notes for v5.7
Implementation of the K-DRIFT telescope (off-axis) (JW)
Some adjustments to Rubin/LSST design (JRP)
Fixed rare bug in cosmic ray simulation (JRP)
Some adjustments to Celestron design (GS)
Some adjustments to JWST design (JRP)
Optimization of JWST filters (JRP)
Allow for more threads in optics deformation (JRP)
More refinement of angular and wavelength buffers for faster simulation (JRP)
Refinement of bright star optimization (JRP)
Modification of JWST blooming (JRP)
Various updates to CMOS read modes (JRP)
Change in algorithm for cosmic ray rejection in CMOS reads (JRP)
Accurate handling of saturated pixel in multiple CMOS reads (JRP)
New tutorial and script to convert images from real telescopes directly to catalog (AD)
Fixed bug related to multiple cloud layers (JRP)
Update to WIYN design (JRP)
Various updates and optimization of grating simulation including pre-calculated table (GS)
Fix rare bug in handling photon deflections to large angles (GS)
Integration with REFITT (AD)
Fix for re-running with different seeds without specifying MJDs (JRP)
Better gdb integration (GS)
Added grating test instrument (GS)