Release Notes for v3.5
OPD on-axis and off-axis interface and calculation (EP & BX)
expanded interface for chip shapes to include chebyshev (EP)
PhoSim environment variable for multi-user capability (EP)
cleareverything command (JRP)
toypsf command (JRP)
optimization near chip edge (JRP)
charge stops as line (JRP)
clean up of documentation (JRP)
photoelectric switch (JRP)
simplification of instance catalog inputs (JRP)
zodaical light (ML & EP)
cloud historical distribution refined (JRP)
corrected lateral field scaling of dopant variation (JRP)
dust internal absorption & fixes (JRP)
improvements to grid computing options (EP)
hole mobility added (JRP)
update to cross-talk matrix (PO)
update to tree ring parameters (AN & BB)
reconfiguration of E-field of accumulated charge (CW & JRP)
wind jitter update and fixes (CC & JRP)
version flag (JRP)
General architectural changes/software standards (GS, EP, JRP)
event file naming convention (JC)